Top Gambling News: Gangland Attack Victim Testifies at Whitey Bulger Trial
These are the top gambling news stories here at Friday June 21, 2013 (Morning Hours Eastern Standard Time). Follow us on Twitter here.
*Woman Recalls Ducking in Front Seat of Car Hit by Hail of Gunfire at Whitey Bulger Trial - BOSTON — (Associated Press) - A woman who survived a gangland hit that left her boyfriend paralyzed and his friend dead choked back tears Thursday at James "Whitey" Bulger's trial as she recalled ducking down in the front seat of a new Mercedes Benz when she heard a hail of gunfire.
Diane Sussman de Tennen, who was shot in the arm, was the first of a series of witnesses who described being wounded or losing a loved one in shootings allegedly orchestrated by Bulger and his gang. Family members of several victims gave emotional testimony describing how they learned their relatives had been killed.
Bulger, now 83, is charged with playing a role in 19 killings during the '70s and '80s while allegedly the boss of the mostly Irish-American Winter Hill Gang.
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*Over $500k Paid Back to Victims of Svenska Spel Bot Ring – 25,300 were compensated by Sweden’s online poker site Svenska Spel, according to The Swedish national gambling operator suspended accounts of 14 players that violated the company’s rules on online poker, and reported the episode to police to see if the players broke the law, said Johan Söderkvist, a spokesman for the company. |
*Norwalk, Connecticut Gambling Bust Results in Critical Injury - A half a dozen managers and card dealers were arrested in an illegal gambling bust in Norwalk.
Police say two dozen people were playing Texas Hold Em when officers showed up.
One of the gamblers allegedly got up, ran through the money room, and jumped out a window — From the third floor. He was critically injured. (source: CBS Connecticut)
- Payton O'Brien, Senior Editor