Will the Democrats Really Help Online Gambling?

The online gambling industry is counting on a Democratic administration. After all, it's the Republican party who insisted on having Internet gambling prohibition as part of their platform.
But one industry analyst says he has had enough of all this talk that Democrats will bring about the change the industry so desperately needs.
"So the people who take the bets are betting on McCain? Not Obama, who everyone in the i-gaming world seems to think will usher in an era of gaming bliss?," one operator states. He wished not to be identified.
"I always find it interesting that i-gaming people believe that an Obama administration and Democrat super-majority Congress would lead to looser restrictions on gaming.
"What do Illinois, Louisiana, Massachusetts, and Oregon have in common? Answer: Democratic governors and/or Democratic-controlled state legislatures...and state laws that explicitly outlaw Internet gambling.
"Hey, wasn't Obama a member of the IL state legislature? Was he present for that vote? When did it happen. And isn't Gov. Deval Patrick of Massachusetts one of Obama's campaign chairs? Didn't he propose making gambling on the Internet a crime punishable by two years in jail and a $25,000 fine? And if there is a state that "needs the money" and has a city (New Orleans) noted for its indulgences, isn't it a post-Katrina Louisana? And one can hardly say that Oregon's is a bastion of social conservatives.
"And by the way, Nevada has a state law against Internet gambling, too (though the state does support a NAS-like study of i-gaming).
Of course there is that little tidbit that Democratic running mate Joe Biden's son, Hunter, was working as a lobbyist for PartyGaming.
Christopher Costigan, Gambling911.com Publisher