Billiard Hall Charged With Teaching Youths How to Play Poker

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Sharky’s Arcade and Billiard Hall in McClure, PA has been cited for teaching youngsters how to play the game of poker.

Robert Henry, 37, and Amanda Henry, 36, are set to appear in court Oct. 10 for a preliminary hearing.  They are not only accused of encouraging underage gambling, but also charged with hosting real money poker games in their establishment.

Authorities became aware of the alleged poker games back in July. It’s not clear how much money was allegedly at stake.

Court documents said that several minors admitted to police that they played and learn poker at the games parlor.

- Ace King,

Gambling News

Group of Casino Operators Oppose State Regulated Casinos

The National Association Against iGaming (NAAiG) is made up of regional casino operators and resists “the expansion of iGaming and its well-reported economic and social dangers and urges other local businesses, employee unions and community groups to mobilize in their effort to protect local communities.”
