Learn More About BetAmapola: The High Limit Sportsbook

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C Costigan
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Last week we told you how the Amapola Resort and Casino has jumped into the world of sports betting, offering high limits.  They also join the Gambling911.com family. 

We sat down with BetAmapola's David Brandani to discuss the newly launched website.

Gambling911: How long has BetAmapola been around?
David Brandani: The Amapola Resort and Casino have been around for decades. However, the website BetAmapola.com just launched this year.

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Gambling911: What took so long to decide to build a site and take the brand to a global market?

David Brandani: The resort recently underwent a management change, bringing in a team with extensive experience in the offshore market. Initially, their goal was to expand the local sports betting clientele by adding a new structure dedicated to sports fans and bettors. While reviewing the licensing options for this expansion, they discovered that the license had always allowed for the acceptance of online wagers. With that revelation, it was a no-brainer to take the brand global.


Gambling911: That seems like a fortunate turn of events, but we must ask, don’t you think that what you’re trying to do with the high limits and all is a lot different than taking local Costa Rican action?

David Brandani: Oh, no doubt it’s different. Imagine someone walking into the casino with our NFL limits in the local currency—they’d need a wheelbarrow! But in all seriousness, yes, it’s different. However, the difference isn’t where you might expect. When you say “local Costa Rican action,” you might not realize that some of the sharpest bettors have been living and operating down here for years. This is where the whole offshore betting movement started in the '90s. So, when it comes to taking “local” action, apart from Vegas, this might be one of the most challenging places to manage a sportsbook from a risk perspective.

Gambling911: Great point, I hadn’t considered that. So you’re already accustomed to taking sharp action. What, if any, are the challenges of taking your brand online?

David Brandani: The main challenge is providing a VIP service to our online clients while maintaining the brand image we've developed over the decades. In a physical casino, you interact with players face-to-face, so you quickly learn their likes and dislikes and can address issues immediately. For example, if a player is unhappy, you see it and can deal with it on the spot. But when you’re dealing with a site that can handle tens of thousands of players simultaneously, and let’s say there’s a grading error, that issue can affect thousands of players at once without any warning. Fixing the error takes just a couple of minutes, but the real challenge is providing a personalized VIP service, reassuring everyone that their balances have been updated correctly. We’re committed to doing this with a personal touch, not relying on AI to handle our customer interactions.

Gambling911: So what defines your brand? What are you bringing new to the table?

David Brandani: To be completely honest, we’re not bringing anything new to the table. If anything, we’re trying to revive the way things used to be done in the industry.

Gambling911: What do you mean by that?

David Brandani: You’ve been around this industry for a while, so you remember how it used to be. Wagering limits were the same for everyone—one number across the board. This trend of limiting professional players has gotten out of hand. It’s so extreme now that even recreational players who hit a big parlay might get labeled and limited. Or someone has a great season, and the following season, they log in to find their limits slashed.

Gambling911: So you’re taking an old-school approach, is that what I’m hearing?

David Brandani: Exactly! If a Wiseguy hits us hard on a side, we adjust our numbers and do our job. We don’t just limit or kick him out. The job of a bookmaker is to provide a service, and that service shouldn’t discriminate.

Gambling911: When you speak of old school and mention the '90s, that’s when the whole deposit bonus trend took off. But I haven’t seen any sign of a bonus offering on your site. What’s up with that?

David Brandani: We don’t have anything against giving out bonuses. Yes, they can be gimmicky, and they’re designed to trap the player into staying longer, but if it’s something the player opts into, then it’s for them. We, on the other hand, believe that what we’re trying to bring back to the industry is a bonus in itself—at the very least, it’s a breath of fresh air, wouldn’t you agree?

Gambling911: I can definitely see that.

David Brandani: Now, that’s not to say we don’t know how to reward our players. Remember, we come from a land-based casino background. We offer those same comps to our online clients—stays at our resort, invites to private parties and events, and even airfare to Costa Rica in some cases.

Gambling911: Okay, so it’s not really bonuses but comps and rewards that you provide?

David Brandani: Exactly.

Gambling911: Well, David, thank you for doing this interview with us. We always appreciate the opportunity to get to know industry leaders on a personal level. It seems like you’re positioning yourself as not just an industry leader, but perhaps even a disruptor. Is there anything else you’d like our readers to know?

David Brandani: First, I’d like to thank you for taking the time to get to know us better. As for a final message to the readers—hey, we’re here, we’re open, and we’ve been around. You’re welcome to stay with us, walk in, fund your account, or receive payouts in person if that’s your preference. We don’t discriminate against sharp or lucky players, so if you want to take a high-limit shot, with all due respect, bring it on!

Check out their site here


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