Slain ‘Informant’ Mobster Had ‘Lots of Enemies’, Wore Bulletproof Vest on Streets

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  • Victim, Pasquale Barbaro, had previous survived being shot six times last year
  • Barbaro was key suspect in murder of man last month believed to have been the mastermind behind last year's attempt on his life
  • His destiny? Barbaro’s grandfather was shot dead in 1990 and a cousin was also killed a few years ago
  • Execution style murder is believed to be the result of a Calabrian mafia war.

Australian mafia figure, 35-year-old Pasquale Barbaro, may have known it was coming.  After all, Barbaro survived a previous attempt on his life just one year ago.  He was not so lucky this time.  

A member Australia’s Barbaro crime family was found shot to death near his car on a Sydney street Monday night.  It appeared he had been shot in the car and attempted to flee down an alley way where his body was eventually found.

Two hooded gunmen were witnessed running from the scene.  A luxury Audi believed to be linked to the murder was found set ablaze on a nearby street.

Those who knew the man claim he “had 'rorted' $1 million from a gang and wore a bulletproof vest”  Still others say he worked as an informant against other criminal elements.  A number referred to him as a "dog" but never dared say that to his face while still alive.

Barbaro had been shot six times last year but managed to survive.  The alleged mastermind behind that attack, Hamad Assaad, was shot dead outside his home last month.  Barbaro was a key suspect in that murder.

He had worn a bulletproof vest almost everywhere, except for meetings and with those close to him, sources told the Daily Telegraph.

Perhaps he had met his destiny as Barbaro’s grandfather was shot dead in 1990 and a cousin was also killed a few years ago.

One neighbor who witnessed the Monday night slaughter told the Daily Mail that a hail of bullets broke Barbaro's car windows and struck him in the shoulder before he attempted to escape on foot.

'He was in his car when they started shooting at him so he tried to run but they shot him down just two three houses down from where he was,' he told Daily Mail Australia.

The local man said Barbaro often visited the area but had never stopped to speak with him.

'I always see him around, here and down the street at the shops,' he said.

Another witness claimed Barbaro had been seen entering the home of a man convicted of once sending threats to his own ex-girlfriend.  That man, George Alex, has since been accused of handing over weekly payments of $2,500 and providing sex workers to heads of the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union in exchange for special treatment, accusations Alex denies.

Barbaro’s execution style murder is believed to be the result of a Calabrian mafia war.  The Calabrian mafia is known to engage in drug trafficking and illegal gambling among other illicit activities, according to authorities.

Police continue to investigate.

- Alejandro Botticelli,

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