Why the UK Age-Old Bingo stereotype is no more

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Years ago, when the local bingo hall scene was thriving, there were two key observations that could be made about the core playing demographic. Firstly, this group was predominantly female, while the average age of bingo players across the UK was well in excess of fifty.

This has perpetuated a stereotype that has stood the test of time, with bingo seen as the primary pastime of the so-called “blue-rinse brigade”. This actually represents a huge misconception. As this 2011 article from The Times suggests, the revival of bingo, and its image, has been underway for some time and something that continues to evolve with every passing year.

The Truth about Bingo players in the UK

Interestingly, it is both aspects of this assertion that have little relevance in the modern world. Firstly, 2015 market research has highlighted that bingo is growing in popularity amongst men and that the majority of bingo regulars are aged under 50, with the advent of online gameplay a pivotal factor in this evolution.

Additionally, male players are increasingly seen as the game's trendiest new recruits, with virtual bingo helping to make the pastime 'cool' and appealing to a broader, more masculine demographic.

While some may express little surprise at the falling average age of bingo players, however, the increasing popularity of the game among men will confuse some. To understand this, you simply need to understand bingo's past and the way in which it is perceived on the continent, where it has always been considered as a masculine hobby.

From its origins on the cobbled streets of Italy in the sixteenth century, bingo has been enjoyed by men across Europe on a regular basis.

This trend continues to this day in nations such as Spain, and in some respects you could argue that playing demographics have gone full circle. The UK has been slow to catch up with this, however, with brands (and online bingo outlets in particular) only recently creating marketing campaigns aimed at male players. This has proved to be a huge success, as the bingo continues to move in new circles and reach out to a more diverse group of loyal players.

Above all else, this shatters the age-old perception of bingo, which is dominated by pensioners, female players and recreational fun. While the latter still remains, online bingo sites, such as madaboutbingo.com, also appeal to professional gamblers, while the rise in younger, male players has also shattered the misconceptions surrounding the game.


The growth of online bingo and the game as a whole has proved to be a great debunker of bingo myths, while also establishing the foundation for further expansion in the future. This is something to celebrate, as one of the UK’s longest-standing games continues to break new and exciting ground!


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