Animal Kingdom Wins 2011 Kentucky Derby

Animal Kingdom has won the 2011 Kentucky Derby. His odds were 30/1 at The hours leading into the Derby Animal Kingdom’s odds were slashed to 6/1. Unbelievable!
Nehro (2) and Mucho Macho Man (3) came in next.
The Kentucky Derby is typically the second most wagered on single day event after the Super Bowl. When it comes to sponsorship dollars, the Derby, coupled with The Preakness, makes the month of May one of the most critical for sites like Kentucky Derby bets come in from all over the world.
“The Kentucky Derby is a sport that is structured around betting,” notes Payton O’Brien, Senior Editor of the website. “There is a greater percentage of people who wager on the Derby than any other sporting event, including boxing matches and the Super Bowl.”
Make sure to bet on Triple Crown and The Preakness at here
- Don Shapiro,