Preakness Stakes 2011 Weather Forecast

The weather for the Preakness Stakes 2011 should hold up perfectly with mostly sunny skies. The forecasts calls for only a 10 percent chance of a shower, meaning it pretty much won’t happen.
We won’t have to search for horses that run best in mud.
Animal Kingdom has now proven he can run in the dirt, and that’s good news for Preakness bettors since the favorite has won 70 times in the race’s 135-year history.
Other horses like King Congie do not perform well on the dirt. Mr. Commons races best on a grass track.
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Animal Kingdom 2/1
Dialed In 4/1
Mucho Macho Man 4.5/1
Shackleford 9/1
Astrology 12/1
Concealed Identity 25/1
Dance City 9/1
King Congie 15/1
Mr Commons 17.5/1
Norman Asbjornson 22.5/1
Sway Away 12.5/1
Flashpoint 15/1
Isn’t He Perfect 25/1
Midnight 12.5/1
- Ean Lamb,