Russian Spy Anna Chapman Releases Poker App

She wanted to start her own online poker site at one time. Now the Russian poker spy Anna Chapman has released her own poker app.
“Poker with Anna Chapman”, developed by Zelda Inc., costs just $0.99 to download.
The app is focusing more on Anna’s sex appeal and less on the actual skill involved in playing poker.
“Feel the thrill of playing poker with Anna Chapman, the real-life Russian Bond girl! Find inside an exclusive collection of Anna’s photos in which she flaunts posh outfits and allows a glance at her social life with parties, shopping and more…"
If you beat Anna, you become one of her Facebook friends.
Chapman gained notoriety for her role in an elaborate Russian spy network operating in the United States. She was arrested back in June and deported back to her native Russia.
Prior to her arrest, Chapman had been CEO of a real estate website that sold properties globally. Chapman at one time sought investors to start her own online poker venture. - Ace King, reporting.