Probe Into Wife’s Online Gambling Affiliation Affect on Tierney Campaign Unclear

The Massachusetts U.S. rep whose wife was indicted last week on charges of managing an online gambling company’s banking account may not suffer any repercussions at the voting booth come Election Day thanks to his “impeccable” record for the 7 terms served so far.
John Tierney spent much of last week trying to convince the media and voting public he knew nothing of his wife Patrice’s activities. She is charged with tax fraud in connection with her brother’s offshore gambling business. Patrice is alleged to have overseen some $7 million in funds, most of which went untaxed. She was released
Tierney’s opponent, Bill Hudak, was quick to capitalize on the news of Patrice’s charges.
“From news reports I’ve seen, and that’s the only place I have had any information from, this activity has been going on for at least eight years it involves $7 million,” Hudak said. “I think the most important thing to happen after guilty plea is entered is he has to disclose what he knew and when about the entire matter.
“Obviously, it is important for this disclosure to happen, and give circumstances and the amount of time and money, it certainly does call into question congressman’s vote on the Internet Gambling Prohibition and Enforcement Act,” Hudak said.
Catherine Bayliss, chair of the Gloucester Democratic City Committee, attempted to put a positive spin on the situation, paining Patrice as a victim and her husband as a faithful public servant.
“The important thing for all of us to remember is Tierney’s extraordinary service to this district and to the country, his dedication to his constituents, his unquestioned integrity, his stellar record on issues that matter to all of us, and his exceptional intellect,” Bayliss said.
Patrice plead guilty though she believed her brother’s earnings were from legitimate business. She acknowledged, however, that more should have been done to investigate his activities.
Patrice' brother is Bobby Eremian, who owned the long-established Antigua-based Sports Off Shore ( – Patrick Flanagan, reporting.