Online Sportsbook Complaints For Last Week of October 2010

A series of online sportsbook complaints occurring across the World Wide Web are being monitored by the final week of October 2010.
QuickSilver Sports has failed to pay on a number of withdrawals in recent weeks according to the SBR Forums.
“Phone support just has the same stock phrases - "Your withdrawal is in the queue but I do not know when it will be paid" "There are no managers here at this time" (none there ever, it would seem). No returned phone calls. No reply to Emails, even when I offered to talk about a payment schedule with them.”
These issues are not isolated. Stay away from QuickSilver Sports at this time. and have been discovered operating on the same server. The former online sportsbook is a “known scam operation” that has fielded numerous complaints in the past year.
Not surprisingly, the payout complaints at World Sports Exchange ( continue.
“Still waiting for 6 payments from February / early March,” one poster at the SBR Forums noted.
- Staff