Guilt By Association? Daniel Negreanu Represented Scammers Futurebet

(Editorial) As poker pro Daniel Negreanu continues to lash out at, it should be noted that he himself was licensed by the notorious Futurebet network at one time (a la Full Contact Poker).
Anybody with even an ounce of common sense (and we know Daniel has more than an ounce) should have known what Futurebet was all about. has been covering this rogue operation for years now. (see Here and Here).
We haven’t heard much about Futurebet these days. But when Negreanu was associated, they were at the top of their game, so to speak.
Let’s be clear, Full Contact Poker itself was never accused for scamming anyone – at least not to our knowledge. And we certainly wouldn’t go as far as to accuse Negreanu of being a scammer. By most accounts he’s an honest guy – a big mouth and vulgar at times – but honest nonetheless.
The problem is that Daniel has gone on record as lashing out at Prahlad Friedman for becoming a pro this past week. Friedman was one of those burnt by the online poker room when one of its original investors got caught up in an “insider cheating scandal” later profiled on the CBS news magazine 60 Minutes.
Friedman has forgiven them and so too should we forgive Negreanu for hooking up with those dregs from Futurebet. That’s our point! In other words, those who live in glass houses shouldn’t cast stones.
Daniel can continue to bash Russ Hamilton (the accused cheater) all he wants, he deserves every last bit of it, but it has to be presumed – unless Daniel can show otherwise – Russ Hamilton is no longer associated with
He should just let it go and stop attacking this poor kid Friedman. You are wrong here Daniel and I am right as always!
[the opinions expressed here are those of Jagajeet Chiba’s and do not necessarily represent those of or its Management]
- Jagajeet Chiba,