Online Gambling Advocate Shelley Berkley Running for US Senate 2012
One of the biggest advocates for legalized online gambling in the United States, Nevada Congresswomen Shelley Berkley, is running for US Senate in 2012.
Berkley was among the most outspoken when the Unlawful Internet Gaming Enforcement Act was on the verge of passage back in October 2006.
In an interview with, she expressed her outrage over the new law while blasting what she felt was the hypocrisy of the Republican party.
"This legislation has a loophole big enough to drive a truck through that was designed solely to protect betting on horse racing and lotteries over the Internet. The fact that this bill was included in the GOP’s “Values Agenda” proves it is nothing more than an election-year ploy to satisfy Republicans on the far right who want to outlaw adults from gambling in Nevada or anywhere else,” said Berkley.
"I continue to be amazed by the members of this body who constantly rail against an intrusive federal government, and yet, when it comes to gaming, they are the first to call for more government intrusion,” Berkley said. “A man’s home is his castle unless he chooses to participate in online gaming. Then his home becomes the province of the federal government.”
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In a more recent interview with Vegas Inc., Ms. Berkley had this to offer: “I’m not sure that online betting for poker is going to be a major issue for my campaign or any other. It’s just an issue that I spent a considerable amount of time on. In 2006, when Congress outlawed online gaming in the port security bill, I took to the floor of the House and spoke against the inclusion of prohibition of online gaming. It had no business there. Our port security doesn’t depend on whether people are going to play poker online. I also thought it was a mistake.”
Berkley stated that she felt President Obama would sign any online poker legislation into law should it pass both the House and Senate and that bipartisan support has provided her some glimmer of hope.
And the importance of Harry Reid getting the job done: “Without him, it (online poker legislation) doesn’t get passed.”
- Chris Costigan, Publisher