Ilari "Ziigmund" Sahamies Weighty Problem: The See Food and Eat It Diet

Written by:
Ace King
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Ilari "Ziigmund" Sahamies Weight

One of Finland’s most popular poker players hit the pages of the nation’s most popular tabloids, Seiska.  That publication featured an article on Ilari "Ziigmund" Sahamies along with a Facebook page where he is photographed with his shirt off.  Flabs of fat protrude from his body

The dramatic weight gain reportedly occurred over the summer.

"Läski mätisäkki" the tabloid subheader read, translating loosely into a “fat middle sack”.

The magazine notes that Ziigmund readily admits to eating fatty meals.

His girlfriend, Elina, does not seem bothered by his “rounded appearance”, Seiska added.

-       Ace King,
