FireJoePaterno.Info Website Gets Its Wish Fast

Ronn Torossian, the CEO of 5W Public Relations, a Top 25 PR Agency, and author of best-selling PR book “For Immediate Release” has launched an information site dedicated to calling for Penn State to immediately fire Penn State.
The school granted Torossian and countless numbers of others their wishes by doing exactly that late Wednesday.
“The past several days have been absolutely terrible for the entire Penn State community,” said John P. Surma, Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees at Penn State. “But the outrage that we feel is nothing compared to the physical and psychological suffering that allegedly took place.”
Allegations claim assistant coach Jerry Sandusky molested a number of boys, some as young as eight-years-old,
Pennsylvania Attorney General Linda Kelly indicted Sandusky on 40 counts of sex crimes against young boys, following a three-year investigation into allegations that he had inappropriate contact with a 15-year-old boy over the course of four years, beginning when the boy was ten years old. The boys were part of a "charity program" founded by Sandusky to provide care for foster children.
According to the indictment, in 2002 assistant coach Mike McQueary, then a Penn State graduate assistant,walked in on Sandusky having anal intercourse with a ten-year-old boy. The next day, he reported the incident to Paterno, who informed Curley. Ultimately, the only action Curley and Schultz took was to order Sandusky not to bring any children from Second Mile to the football building.
Though tempting...oddsmakers at felt early on that offering odds on Joe Paterno being let go would be in a poor taste under the current circumstances. "These are the types of tragedies we will not get immersed in when it comes to offering odds even if it is College Football related," a representative for the company told while in attendance at this week's Punta Cana Poker Classic.
Torossian, a long time friend of the website, urged the boycott just hours before Paterno was ultimately released. He threatened contact information that would feature corporate partners and sponsors urging those parties to boycott the university.
“We will provide pro-bono PR services to anyone who wants to boycott Penn State University until Paterno is fired,” Torossian said. “Penn State needs to decide if their priority is winning football games or speaking out against child molesters Penn State's reputation, future alumni donations, and recruitment are all at stake. The only way to save them is for Paterno to resign immediately.”
“As a marketer and as a father, I am sickened – This is an awful example for any University, and any parent. Penn State can choose to retain Paterno, and I think many others will choose to send a very clear message to this University about where they choose to educate their students, donate their funds, and host corporate partnerships with. Penn State needs to decide if they want to be known for winning football games or turning a blind eye to child molesters. As a brand proposition, it’s an easy decision.”
- Don Shapiro,