Subject Poker Shut Down

Written by:
Jagajeet Chiba
Published on:
Subject Poker Shut Down

The popular, and sometimes controversial, poker news website has shut down.  Reason: 

Editor Noah Stephens-Davidowitz and Subject: Poker co-founder, Thomas Bakker are starting their own online poker security firm, it was revealed on Monday.

While not a prolific website, the detailed reports on such things as the status of Full Tilt Poker proved interesting.

The big “botch job” came last September when Subject Poker erroneously published an article on the US Attorney’s Office out of Maryland’s planned shutdown of the popular online poker network Merge Gaming, a report which later learned caused massive financial harm to the company. 

Aside from this debacle, Subject Poker mostly provided riveting and well-written pieces complete with footnotes that harked back to the days of library card catalogs. 

Where else will we be able to read up on those Montgomery County Maryland Police Dept. assets forfeitures that are supposedly upcoming????


- Jagajeet Chiba, 


