Phil Ivey Playing in 2012 World Series of Poker After One-Year Absence

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Ace King
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Phil Ivey Playing in 2012 World Series of Poker After One-Year Absence

One of the most famous poker players in the world, Phil Ivey, will be playing in this year’s World Series of Poker (WSOP) following a one-year sit out.


Ivey had gone Missing In Action following the indictment of Full Tilt Poker and subsequent shutdown in April 2011.  Ivey had been among FTP’s most visible representatives.  There were also rumors that he took out a massive loan from Full Tilt Poker and never paid it back.  Millions of dollars are still owed to customers of the now defunct online poker company.

Ivey re-emerged earlier in the year, taking part in a massive high rollers poker tournament in Macau.  He was also revealed to be playing online using the moniker “RaiseOnce”.    

Ivey didn’t wait to take part in this year’s WSOP.  He sat down Monday to take part in the first open buy-in event, the No-Limit Hold'em.  By Tuesday night, Ivey was already a goner. 

- Ace King,
