Friends Fear Michael Phelps Wants to Become Poker Pro, Will Squander His $45 Mil (Video)

With one of the greatest poker players to ever live, Phil Hellmuth, gushing all over one of the greatest Olympians who has ever lived, Michael Phelps, it’s no wonder the rumor mill is alive with talk that Phelps is preparing to embark on a professional poker career.
Well, we heard this talk four years ago after Phelps won all his medals. Much of those rumors were fueled by reports on where it was reported his first stop back to the States was to a strip club with the “Godfather of Poker” Doyle Brunson. Brunson, at the time, was supposedly teaching the Olympian swimmer how to master poker. He’s been loving the game ever since.
There is also talk that he has a gambling addiction, but this is said of many pros.
Now with Phelps love of poker, rumors are heating up that he’s also planning on becoming a poker pro, although as many say, he’s quite the pro with an attitude of don’t leave the table until you win. The other rumors naturally have to hit that he’s got a gambling problem, but many times when a celebrity plays a lot of poker, someone’s bound to spread that gossip. The Daily Mail reported today that ‘close friends’ of Phelps are worried that he could squander away his $45 million worth on the tables, but he’s young and no matter what he does, the gossips will try to make something out of it to sell papers.
- Ace King,