Four Poker Tells You Can Believe In From Expert Player Mike Caro

The legendary poker pro Mike Caro has published four poker tells he considers critical and almost 100 percent on the money, so to speak.
What are they?
First, those who buy-in with low amounts and are attempting to hide their money will almost always play conservatively. Those who flash their funds will play recklessly.
Second, players who look at their cards and then gaze away from the action are usually intending to bet or raise.
A third poker tell you can almost always believe in would be that someone who looks disgusted with a hand or is reluctant to wager probably has a strong hand. They just don’t want to give it away. It’s called overacting.
And lastly, opponents who are reaching slowly towards their chips or even moving their hands ever so slightly towards that direction are trying to discourage you from making a bet.
There are hundreds of great poker tells, but Caro should know the good one’s and these are just four he highlights on his blog.
- Ace King,