Poker Players Alliance Lashes Out At PartyGaming Exec

The Poker Players Alliance has finally spoken out about Anurag Dikshit, founder and shareholder in PartyGaming, and his decision to plead guilty last week to illegal gambling charges under the Wire Act last week as part of an agreement with the DoJ that also included paying a $300 million fine and potentially a 2 year prison sentence.
PPA Chairman, Alfonse D'Amato expressed disappointment with Dikshit's settlement.
"The Poker Players Alliance is disappointed to learn of Anurag Dikshit's guilty plea to the Department of Justice under the Wire Act," said Alfonse D'Amato, PPA chairman and former senator.
"To be clear, as a private settlement between two parties, this plea does not change existing law in the United States, nor does it establish any kind of precedent moving forward
"This disagreement among Federal law enforcement and lawmakers results in confusion for the millions of Americans who legally play online poker in this country," D'Amato said.
"We hope legislators in the upcoming Congress will take note of this disparity and pass legislation that affirms poker's legal status and responsibly regulates the online poker industry."