PokerAgent Botnet Harvested More Than 16,194 Facebook Credentials
PokerAgent Botnet, a trojan designed to steal user and credit card information, reportedly stole some 16,194 Facebook log-in credentials during the last two years, according to Robert Lipovsky of ESET. This included customer credit card information tied to Facebook and Zynga accounts.
“The botnet does not log into the infected user's Facebook account”, [Lipovsky] revealed. 'The botnet serves rather as a proxy, so that the illegal activities (the tasks given to bots) are not carried out from the perpetrator’s computer.
"We can only speculate how the attacker further abuses these harvested data," Lipovsky added. "The code suggests that the attacker seeks out Facebook users who have something of value, worth stealing -- determined by the Poker stats and credit card details saved in their Facebook account. Later, the attacker can simply abuse the credit card information themselves or they may sell the database to other criminals."
- Aaron Goldstein,