Ashton Kutcher: ‘I Once Ran Nation's Biggest Sports Syndicate’

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Jagajeet Chiba
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Ashton Kutcher Shocking Revelation:  ‘I Once Ran Nation's Biggest Sports Syndica

“Two and a Half Men” star Ashton Kutcher confessed in an interview with Esquire Magazine that he once ran the largest sports betting syndicate in the US. 

Kutcher claimed he used his “dumb” persona to his advantage.

"I actually used to be a front for the largest national sports-betting syndicate in America...we were clearing like £484,402 in four weeks of college football. It was pretty fun. Then they caught on. The hypothesis had been that the house would just assume that I was a dumb actor with a lot of money who liked football."

In 2002, Kutcher was a guest (seen mingling with two female twins) at a major online sportsbook’s celebrity-filled party in Costa Rica.  That sportsbook,, was later forced to shut down by US Feds.

Kutcher’s interview appears in the March issue of Esquire.

- Jagajeet Chiba,

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