World Series of Poker Champ Greg Merson May See Fallout From Macau Comments

2012 World Series of Poker champion Greg Merson appears to have gotten himself in some hot water after disclosing a few tightly held secrets about Macau high stakes poker games.
“It’s all hush, hush, fraternity bull****,” said Merson in an interview with “I don’t like a lot of the ways things are done in live poker and the networking that goes into it. I had people asking me not to Tweet about the games in Macau.”
Merson blasted the predatory pros who target high stakes whales, pretending to be their buddy.
“You want to be accommodating to the weaker players but people cross the line I think,” he said.
“I’ve seen guys who are really wealthy have their lives ruined because they just get sucked into this lifestyle where the pros are friendly with them but then just constantly [stack] them whenever they play poker."
Merson, who tells PokerListings he doesn’t fear being unwelcomed in Macau following his comments, still believes the world’s largest gambling destination lives up to all the hype.
Merson said that he played some of the biggest cash games of his career while he was in Macau and sat with over $400k at one point.
“The most I’d sat with before the Main Event was like $100,000,” he said. “It’s cool to get to the next level. Being all-in for $200k on the river is awesome.”
- Patrick Flanagan,