Randy Meisner Imposter Still Conning at Super Bowl in Vegas

The infamous Randy Meisner imposter (the real Meisner used to play with the Eagles) is fast losing ground thanks partly to the iPhone/Blackberry and a little help from Gambling911.com. 2009 World Series of Poker attendees beware. Super Bowl partygoers were already being duped in Vegas this past weekend.
The last time we ran into the fake Meisner it was during the 2006 World Series of Poker and a toast for the legendary poker player, Doyle Brunson. Our own Jenny Woo went on and on about how her dad was such a huge Eagles fan. But it became evident this Randy Meisner was growing increasingly uncomfortable. Web-enabled phones weren't quite "in" three years ago as they are now and we just happened to be sitting at the table with our trusty bulky laptop. There was Internet access and the gentleman's strange behavior prompted us to do a little research.
The fake Randy Meisner had vanished before Gambling911.com could place a call to a close friend who just happens to be very tight with Eagles band member Don Henley. The band immediately contacted local authorities but the fake Randy Meisner manage to get away.
The individual's real name is Lewis Morgan and he served a 16 year sentence in a San Francisco jail for impersonating Meisner.
This weekend, he made yet another appearance in Las Vegas. But our article Gambling911.com Saves Lives of Online Gambling Execs ironically may have saved a group of individuals from becoming the next Lewis Morgan victim. The article in question reflected upon the Doyle Brunson toast and our meeting with the Meisner imposter. And all we can say is "Thank God for Google and that nifty little Web-interface phone!"
The individual and "almost" victim of Morgan recounted what transpired this past Super Bowl weekend in Vegas.
First and foremost..... I want to say thanks. Because of your story, I escaped from being conned out of a lot of money.
Me, my wife, and friends spent SuperBowl Weekend at the Golden Nugget in Las Vegas.
Sunday morning, after brunch and 3 hours before the big game we decided to go outside to the pool area.
Our wives (very pretty) decided to sit/lie on a circular couch. My friend and I were moving a rattan couch over when our wives were approached by a man in his mid 50's, early 60's (I'm 37). Very nice man, small pot belly, grayish short hair, wearing t-shirt and tennis shoes.
He engaged us in conversation, asked us our names, where we were from, and what we did for a living.
We replied and then asked him what he did. "I'm in a band". What kind of music? Rock. What's the name of your band? The Eagles. At this point I'm thinking cover band.....right??? No....he's the bassist for the actual Eagles.....yes.....Hell has frozen over!
He begins telling us all about himself.........11 acre estate in Malibu, Stanford education, the meaning of the song Hotel California, favorite car he owns is a 55 Chevy (aside from the Bentley), his 110 pound pet German Sheppard Anna the Banana (he controls her with hand signals), Dustin Hoffman, private jet that he flies, all his concert gigs, past drug use, millions of albums sold, how he's looking for a "lady", not a woman, and how he's a simple man who puts his shoes on just like me, one at a time.
He kept mentioning how the Eagles work with non-profit charities, and how he's done free shows for charities. He then brought up the Shriners Children's Hospital Charity, and how they're trying to raise $ for a brand new hospital, "do you know how much they cost?", he kept asking us. He told us that they were currently taking "donations" and through the Shriners Charity were sending a nice certificate from the Eagles and Shriners saying thank you for your donation. I had just won a poker tournament the night before, and I'm all about living the moment, so yes.....of course I'll "donate" to your cause. Walked to the book, placed the bet, handed my ticket over along with my business card (this is how they get all the information right for the certificate).
We then proceed to the bar to watch the game. I step away to use the restroom and just as I'm about to go in, I stop, take my phone out of my pocket, open an Internet browser, and Googled Randy Meisner..............................30 sec........................................and there's YOUR headline Randy Meisner Imposter.
My wife calls me (I haven't read the story, or seen pictures yet), I answer.......she asks "where are you"? I told her that I thought Randy was an imposter and I would call her right back, then hang up.
I begin to read: Stanford Univ., Dustin Hoffman, 11 acre estate in Malibu, the meaning of Hotel California, etc.......I see pictures, hard to say at that moment.
My wife shows up!!! What's going on? She left Randy at the bar, and he was gone when we got back. I threw my hands up, and knew he got me. I ordered a drink, no problem, walked around, then SAW HIM! I called him over, he said he had to go to the restroom (I actually believe it), because the restroom is clear on the other side. My friend asked him to take us to the "VIP" parties and so he led the way. As we're walking, I walked up very close behind and said "give me my ticket". He reached in to his pocket and handed me my ticket......GOT IT!
He walked right into the VIP area as did we. When we walked in we saw the C-Level Execs that my wife and her friend had met the night before. She introduced me to them, and as I was meeting them, I saw Mr. Lewis Peter Morgan being escorted out for not having a wristband. I tried to tell the Execs....but they were so busy with their SuperBowl Party that I left it alone.
We ordered a round of drinks, grabbed some great food, watched the game, cheered for the ticket, which eventually lost. I have to say that Mr. Morgan provided us with a fantastic story (Hey, I paid for it), that in retrospect, probably saved me more money than I would've lost at the tables.
Update: Here are pictures of "Fake Randy" from early Feb. 09 - submitted by Jay Duran from streamingmediahosting.com
Payton O'Brien, Gambling911.com Senior Reporter