Convicted Casino Lobbyist Questions Rick Perry Online Gambling Stance

The biggest casino lobbyist and an individual who served time for that activity, Jack Abramoff, has spoken out regarding Texas Governor Rick Perry’s stance on Internet gambling.
Perry is one of a handful of Republican politicians who oppose legalizing Web gambling in the US. The Texas Governor, who is expected to run for US President in 2016, also received a substantial campaign contribution for his previous Presidential run from Las Vegas Sands chairman Sheldon Adelson. Mr. Adelson not only opposed the legalization of online gambling, he is also on a crusade to stop it.
The gaming industry is entirely a political creation, and everything about it is politics,” Abramoff told WND in an exclusive interview. “These politics are generally shaped in the public good, but all of it relates to politics and market share.”
Abramoff should know. He served 43 months in prison for his representation of the Tribal casino sector.
The one-time lobbyist charged the tribes millions but saved them billions by ensuring votes to support the livelihoods of their reservations.
For his part, Perry denies having even spoken to Adelson on the subject of Internet gambling. He tells all in a new book entitled “Capitol Punishment”.
- Gilbert Horowitz,