Poker Princess Molly Bloom Fielding Offers to Turn Book Into Movie

In an interview with, the so-called “Poker Princess” Molly Bloom discusses how she is currently fielding offers to turn her book “Molly’s Game” into a TV film.
The book takes readers inside the poker matches that Bloom ran in New York, Los Angeles, Miami and Las Vegas featuring big name celebrities and sports figures until it all came crashing down around her when she was indicted and ultimately plead guilty last year.
“It’s been pretty amazing,” she told in regard to the TV film inquiries. “There’s been some really talented, high-level people that have been reaching out. I’ve been taking those meetings and trying to figure out who is the best storyteller and will really get it, because you know there is a really bad version of the story, but I think there is a smart, cool version.
“I think it would be interesting to have it play out in a cable series. Rounders did a good job, but no one has really covered this world and these characters and what happens to them when they spend so much time gambling. I think it would be really interesting.”
And who would Molly Bloom want to play her in the film?
She didn’t name names but had this to offer: “I think I’d want it to be somebody who is smart and obviously talented with dimension because there was a pretty big transformation from where I started to now. I think I’d want someone who can illustrate that well, but I don’t know, it’s a hard question.”
- Ace King,