Participants, Organizers Talk First Ever Daily Fantasy Sports Expo (Video)

The first ever Daily Fantasy Sports Expo has an entire industry excited. Hundreds of company executives, investors, attorneys and players will be congregating in sunny South Beach this August 6-7 to take part in this event. is a premiere sponsor and promoter for the event with Publisher Chris Costigan discussing the importance of attending for those who have even the slightest interest in Daily Fantasy Sports.
The event is being organized by Marc Lesnick, who for many years ran the biggest online gambling affiliate conferences and currently runs the world’s largest i-Dating conference series.
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Daily Fantasy Sports is a game changer for the industry. The original form of fantasy sports leagues required the period of play be for an entire season. Playing for the day means more play and more spend. In addition, the UIGEA act of 2006 specifically carved out fantasy sports leagues as an exemption for online gambling. The race to start an online fantasy sports business is one of the hottest and fastest growing segments in the gaming industry, the mobile application business and the internet industry.
With major media and Fortune 1000 companies involved in the fantasy sports business, Lesnick designed the Daily Fantasy Sports Expo as a two day executive Convention that will discuss the following topics:
Daily Fantasy Baseball
Back-end Software
Legal Developments
Mobile Technologies
Daily Fantasy Football
Marketing (Traditional, Online and Mobile)
Daily Fantasy Baseketball
Player Information and Statistics
Other Fantasy Sports (such as Hockey, Wrestling, Tennis, Car Racing, Golf, etc.)
- Payton O’Brien, Senior Editor