Does Your Daily Fantasy Site Have Money Behind It? Are They Broke?

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Aaron Goldstein
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Does Your Daily Fantasy Site Have Money Behind It? Are They Broke?

With abruptly going out of business last week, Daily Fantasy Sports players need to understand that – just because it is legal, doesn’t mean it’s entirely safe. 

Our sister site is introducing a new feature to determine the money backing behind the ever-increasing number of Daily Fantasy Sports sites that are seemingly popping up daily.

“(The) folks dabbling in this sort of thing need to know that some of these companies are operating on a shoestring budget,” notes Payton O’Brien, Senior Editor of both and  “We have spoken to operators who run these sites from their basement and some have second jobs.” will be presenting its funding report on how much each of these companies has raised from investors.

“It’s a great tool for anyone interested in opening accounts at one of these sites,” says O’Brien. 

The new feature is also interactive.

“Operators of these sites are encouraged to notify us of any changes or added investment monies that have come in.  Transparency will ultimately play a key role in this emerging industry.  Investors will also want to know that the companies they are backing have a keen promotional sense, and that means ensuring information about them is updated across the Net.”

- Aaron Goldstein,

Gambling News

Pay Per Head for Dummies looks at the benefits of using a Pay Per Head throughout the year, and it is here where we need to impress upon folks that sports betting does NOT end when the Super Bowl winner is declared. 
