Internet blackjack information site is celebrating its 17th birthday this month after the site first came online in 1998. first opened its virtual doors on September 20th, 1998 with the goal of offering news, guides, and exclusive offers related to the classic casino game to its visitors. Since its launch, the site has become a fixture in the online betting world, as its annual Las Vegas blackjack survey provides key insights into the town’s best spots to play the game.
Online Blackjack features a variety of guides related to the game, including basic rules, the foundation of basic blackjack strategy, and advanced topics such as card counting. Players interested in testing out their new skills can do so in OBJ’s free blackjack game, which awards chips and badges to players who register an account to play. The site also has an extensive news section that provides the latest information related to the game. “We are thrilled to be celebrating Online Blackjack’s 17th birthday this month”, said site owner Josh Chan.
“We have always seen the site as a great resource for blackjack players and moving forward we hope this continues for a very long time.”
1998 was an interesting year in general, as there were many technical and social milestones that were hit. In addition to the launch of Online Blackjack, 1998 saw the following:
- The launch of the world’s biggest search engine Google by Sergey Brin and Larry Page.
- The introduction of the first iMac, which helped pull Apple back from the brink of bankruptcy and laid the foundations for the company to become the most valuable in history.
- The Monica Lewinsky scandal, which saw the President of the United States impeached over allegations that he had an affair with the White House intern. Clinton was eventually acquitted of the charges.
- The Detroit Red Wings won their second consecutive Stanley Cup, defeating the Washington Capitals 4-0 in their final series. - The legendary sitcom Seinfeld ended its 9 season run on NBC drawing 76.3 million viewers.
- Moving forward, Online Blackjack will continue to serve players with more information and guides to help you maximize your odds of success against the house.
Recently the site has been covering the ongoing dispute between the state of Florida and the Seminole Indian tribe, which is seeing the tribe’s ability to exclusively offer blackjack within the state’s borders being put at risk due to a dispute between the group and the state. “It is stories such as these that we feel separate Online Blackjack from the competition,” Chan said. “We can’t wait to see what the future holds and are excited to celebrate the next 17 years.”