Doyle Brunson: Will Move to Foreign Country if NC Wins

I see where Huck Seed took 33-1 he could run a 4 minute 39 second mile. I'm a former miler, having run 4:38 to win the Texas State Championship in 1950. I ran 4:18 in college, not very impressive by today's standards, but I never trained and never had a competent coach; and the world record was 4:01. I know how tough it is to run when you don't devote a lot of time to it. But Huck is an enigma, a physical freak with so much athletic ability, you can't believe it. Ten years ago, I bet Huck $20,000 he couldn't break 4:20 in the mile. He lost, then we bet $50,000 on a 4:30 mile, after a year passed. He lost but ran 4:38 at the UNLV track, so I know he has done it before. We bet $20,000 his brother Leif couldn't run 4:15 and he did it easily, running 4:12 at UNLV. So although he probably won't win the bet, I will take 33-1 for a big bet if anyone is interested. I've got to give kudos to the team at DoylesRoom. In our weekly bounty tournament we have Mickey Rourke, Nicky Hilton, Jamie-Lynn Sigler and the rap artist Eve as celebrity bounties this week. DoylesRoom is the only poker site that could have gotten these celebrities to play in an online tournament. The NCAA basketball tournament is down to the Final Four. Pittsburgh was my team and now they are gone. If North Carolina wins the tournament, I may have to move to a foreign country. These college players are terrific. The center for Oklahoma is the best college player I've ever seen. Finally there is action in Bobby's Room at the Bellagio. The Five Star World Poker Classic is starting and there are lots of players in town. We have lowered the limits so more players are able to play. With the economy so bad, I'm not sure we shouldn't lower them even more. |