New York Post Calls Joan Rivers vs. Annie Duke a Must Watch
![]( Senior Editor Payton O'Brien calls this season's Celebrity Apprentice "The Best Show on Television Right Now" and some of us who hadn't been watching before might have to agree.
It's not just because we love our friend, perhaps the most humanitarian of the professional poker players out there, Annie Duke. The chemistry (or lack there of) between Duke and comedian Joan Rivers is the best thing to happen to the Apprentice franchise since Omarosa.
For gamblers, something tells us Donald Trump will want a final showdown between Annie Duke and Joan Rivers. Early rumors have centered on Annie going head to head with Joan's daughter, Melissa.
Don't just take our biased word (yes, Duke is a spokesperson for sponsor, the New York Post also advised people should be watching (if they're not already).
"If you're not watching this season, we suggest you start."
O'Brien says that Annie Duke is becoming a phenom among readers.
"The folks who read our website love an industry personality and Annie Duke is supplying them with quite a thrill," O'Brien said. "She is serving the industry proud."
And viewers are apparently starting to eat it all up too. Celebrity Apprentice has recently been winning its time slot during the second hour of its two hour airings.
This past Sunday, Joan Rivers lashed out at Annie Duke, calling her "Hitler".
Christopher Costigan, Publisher