In the Running for Worst Criminal Ever? Patriots Player-Turned Bumbling Bookie Profiled

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C Costigan
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ESPN The Magazine will feature a story in the coming month (publication date scheduled for May 23) profiling former New England Patriots wide receiver Reche Caldwell who, in March of 2014 got busted for running an illegal bookmaking business.  But that turned out to be just a minor infraction.

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His more serious crime was the intend to distribute the synthetic drug known as “Molly”.  Ultimately Reche, described by Yahoo News as in the running for “The Worst Criminal Ever” as it pertained to his bumbling antics, would go on to serve 27 months and three years probation.  The gambling element was an aside.

From Yahoo News:

Reche Caldwell was a fair-to-middling NFL wide receiver. But as a criminal, he was truly awful.  Let's just say that he might not have been special on the field, but he certainly was better at that than he was trying to break the law.

On Thursday, ESPN Senior Writer David Fleming discussed the Caldwell story on Dan Le Batard’s radio program.

Watch the video below

- Don Shapiro,

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