Online Casino Bonus Ratings and Reviews Site Launched is proud to launch their casino welcome bonus ratings and reviews which features detailed analysis and value simulations to help players decide if a bonus is right for them. We all know that when confronted with varying terms and conditions it is next to impossible to tell which of two bonuses is better. Our new system addresses this issue, making life easy for players everywhere.
Players look to casino review portals for advice and recommendations to help them make the right decision on where to play and to find the best bonuses. Most player portals advertise bonuses but ultimately provide recommendations based on their opinion, without any sound basis for stating that one bonus is “better” than another. Players care about value and don’t like being deceived and this analysis aims to bring to light the true value of a bonus.
ThePOGG simulated over 350 welcome bonuses (with almost 200 reports still to be published) to determine the value of each bonus for low rollers, mid rollers, high rollers and super high rollers. These figures are then provided so players can get an accurate assessment of how good a bonus is for them once all of the terms and conditions and their own playing style is taken into consideration.
This project was undertaken in partnership with BeatingBonuses using a tool developed several years ago for the assessment of bonuses, but has been implemented in a way intended to replicate various categories of normal player. Each simulation repeats the bonus 10 million times then takes the average result to provide a value for each player type.
The new feature focus on delivering what the users wants immediately with a focus on making the information quickly accessible and understandable to the user, highlighting the important data points to ensures optimum user experience. The site has been redesigned with the goal of providing players with unique and highly useful information in a format that is quickly and easily understandable while letting the player know about all the additions services offered by ThePOGG. This is a unique system that provides users with information available nowhere else.
“Our new bonus reporting system is one of the most important and useful features we’ve ever put together. I’m extremely proud of the results and genuinely feel that once again ThePOGG is leading the market by offering a service that is both exceptionally useful to players and entirely absent anywhere else. I have absolutely no doubt that this will quickly become a ‘go to’ resource for many player”
Duncan Garvie - Manager and ADR Official for
To see all of the welcome bonuses rated you can visit which shows the complete list of casinos with their bonuses with their rating for every type of player: lower roller, mid roller, high roller and super high roller. You can adjust the type of player and currency setting to reorder the list to show the best bonuses for your playing style.
About ThePOGG is not your average online casino portal as the site pride’s itself on having a critical eye when it comes to casino reviews and having the toughest standards for recommendations. ThePOGG is one of the fastest growing casino portals around and continues to add value and services to players to help them make the most informed decision on where to play.