The Future of Automation is Today for Bookies
Over the next few years robots and automation will replace the human workforce in many sectors. We are already seeing evidence of this in the world of bookmaking. But guess what? While it’s true that the independent corner bookie will go the way of the dodo bird over the next five years, bookies have simply evolved into what one might be referred to as a “super affiliate”.
The Pay Per Head
Pay Per Head services like those offered at provide expansive outsourcing services that eliminate nearly all overhead once associated with old school corner bookies. No more wire rooms, no more bet tickets.
Pay-Per-Head (PPH) service providers, like Ace Pay Per Head, cater to sportsbook agents and bookies who are trying to grow their business in the twenty-first century. Services often include a dedicated call center to handle player wagers and questions, a website for players to wager, and software for tracking and reporting player activities and balances. But for a long time, Sportsbooks and Racebooks did not use the Internet to conduct business – and in many places in the world they still don’t.
Today's bookies tap into the resources offered by Pay Per Head (also known as Price Per Head) enterprises and essentially receive a cut of the profits generated while reducing losses (not to mention work load). This business model is more along the lines of an affiliate partnership. points to the endless opportunities the Internet has to offer, including something a traditional bookie alone could never provide in his or her wildest dreams….. LIVE IN-PLAY WAGERING.
Scroll Down For More charges a small $10 fee in many cases per active customer per week. Traditionally, this same customer would have cost $60 and up in the amount of overhead that today is practically obsolete.
Live In-Play Wagering
In-Play is wagering that takes place after an event has started and up to its conclusion. Hardcore gamblers you will often see glued to their mobile devices during games, placing bets as the action occurs, making for a truly interactive experience.
Even during the slower sports months of summer, you can still capitalize of live in-game betting for sports such as Major League Baseball as well as with many of the soccer leagues around the globe that are in action that particular time of the year,” points out. In the past, bookies in the US, and throughout the rest of the world for that matter, dealt with very little action during this so-called “off season”.
In fact, LIVE IN-PLAY WAGERING is helping to boost interest in Major League Baseball betting.
“A wealth of pitcher vs. hitter stats are readily available and offered by the likes of and other sites whenever a new player appears at the plate,”’s Don Shapiro explained. “Coupled with this knowledge, the slower play in Major League Baseball makes the live betting aspect much more appealing.”
More Offerings is one of those sites that typically pops up in one's Web browser with even the most rudimentary search for Pay Per Head information.
“We’ve had to up the ante by tapping into every available resource out there,” Tony Smith of tells “The competition is intense in the Pay Per Head industry. We always have to think two years ahead of the game.”
This mindset has helped Mr. Smith boost his company’s presence on the World Wide Web, but getting one’s brand recognition is only a first step. now has the ability to offer 4 cent overnight Baseball lines and regular lines below a dime. They can now offer countless futures and props deemed unimaginable just a few years ago.
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Pay Per Head businesses mostly eliminate the security risks once associated with an independent bookmaking business
Elimination of the Risk
US Stateside bookies, whether they operate in the cities or rural areas, always assumed a great deal of risk. Aside from the obvious legal implications of running a wire room from one’s home or office, these types of high risk businesses are especially enticing to the worst elements of society. It’s not just criminal opportunists today’s independent bookies have to worry about. The opioid crisis has created a whole new world of desperation where even Granny Mae living next store needs to be viewed with some degree of suspicion the next time she enters your “cash” business with a fresh batch of cookies.
The Pay Per Head model eliminates all forms of overhead and even the last bastion of a bookie’s risk, the need to have cash on hand.
No longer necessary.
Cryto-Currency options like Bitcoin offered at Pay Per Head businesses like opens the door for those who prefer the lower cost and increased privacy of decentralized banking. Since its open source introduction in 2009, Bitcoin has experienced steady growth. Markets all over the world have been increasingly accepting of the new virtual currency.
Embrace Automation
The software incorporated by Pay Per Head ventures is leading the way in the new world of automation. Bookies who drop the ball will no doubt suffer. Those with the wherewithal to adapt and capitalize will most certainly reap the rewards.
- Alejandro Botticelli,