Online Bookies Should Always Offer Parlay Betting - Here's Why

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Pay per head agents should always offer parlay betting. Parlay betting promises a big payout for a small investment.

That’s why it’s attractive to most sports bettors. A sports bettor only must hit one or two 3-team or 4-team parlays to make up for any losses accrued on money line and against the spread wagers.

If that’s the case, why are parlay bets attractive to online bookies?

Keep reading for the reasons.

Parlay Odds Always Favor the Per Head Bookie

Parlays odds always favor the agent. The reason is simple. Parlay bets never account for true odds. Based on facts, parlay odds appear fair.

If a 3-team parlay pays 6 to 1, it sure sounds fair. 6 to 1 translates to 2 to 1 for each team in a 3-team parlay bet, right?

Not really. Each betting event in a parlay is a separate betting event. What is means is that what happens when Dallas plays Philadelphia, as an example, won’t affect what happens when Louisville battles Florida State.

Horseplayers understand this, which is why most horseplayers play exactas instead of daily doubles.

Exactas require finding the first and second place finisher in the same event. Daily doubles require finding the winner in two separate events.

True Odds Can’t Be Calculated

The question then becomes, what are the true odds in something like a 3-team parlay? The answer is that true odds in any 3-team parlay cannot be calculated.

Anybody who says they can calculate true odds hasn’t thought enough about it.

True odds for 2, 3, 4, 5, or 10 separate events that have nothing to do with each other is impossible to calculate. The nature of a parlay is to attach separate events together.

Odds cannot be calculated for events that aren’t related in some way. Only probability odds can be calculated for parlay wagers.

Even Fair Odds Can’t Be Calculated

Point-spreads and money line odds prevent fair odds from ever being calculated in a parlay. That’s the problem.

Once a money line or spread wager is added to a parlay, the odds automatically become probability odds.

But, Players Do Hit Parlay Bets

They do. Online bookie agents should always fear some parlay bets. In these cases, using certain teams in a parlay should be forbidden just because the odds maker has screwed up the betting line.

In the long run, parlays bets aren’t hit with regularity. If any agent out there doesn’t believe it, all they must do is check to see how many parlay bets pro players make compared to casual players.

The pro player will almost never bet parlays. Why? The odds are never in the pro player’s favor.  

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