Online Bookie Tips: Learn How To Protect and Store Bitcoins
Bitcoin remains the currency of choice for gambling transactions. Online bookie agents prefer to work with Bitcoin because unlike traditional currencies, there’s no central Bitcoin bank.
. how to protect their BitcoinBecause the price of individual Bitcoins remains high, agents should learn
Purchase a Hard Copy Digital Wallet
The first thing agents must do is purchase a digital wallet. MintCell sells their digital wallet, the Ledger Nano S – Cryptocurrency Wallet for around $105 bucks on
Why purchase a digital wallet?
There might come a time when instead of just utilizing Bitcoin for financial transactions, a per head agent might want to protect and store his or her Bitcoins.
Companies also store cash. cash on hand. All companies keep cash on hand. If an agent works with Bitcoin, Bitcoin counts as their
If Bitcoin is the agent’s currency of choice, the agent should store some Bitcoin. The first way to protect Bitcoins is to create back-ups onto a digital wallet.
Once on a digital wallet, they should remain secure until you’re ready to use them.
For short-term storage a digital wallet makes a ton of sense. Keep reading for long-term storage.
Consider Long Term Cold Storage for Your Bitcoins
If you wish to invest in Bitcoin, consider long-term storage. The best way to protect Bitcoin is to store them on a hard drive. The MintCell Ledger Nano S could work.
Or, you could store them on a regular external hard drive. Once you’ve done that, ensure the safety of your Bitcoin by placing the storage unit into a safe deposit box at the bank.
This process is called cold storage. There are other ways to cold store Bitcoins. Pay per head agents, as crazy as it sounds, could simply write down their Bitcoin codes on a piece of paper.
on the piece of paper until it’s ready for use.existEach Bitcoin has a specific code associated with it. There is only a single code for every Bitcoin. Bitcoin can
Agents can also create multiple backups of their codes and cold store all of it. For example, an agent might place the Bitcoins on both a Ledger Nano S and an external hard drive.
For good measure, the online bookie agent might even write down their Bitcoin codes on a piece of paper.
If an online bookie agent hasn’t made the switch to Bitcoin, he or she should remember that most sports bettors prefer to use Bitcoin.
Making the switch should be common sense. is currently offering a 5% cash back with bookies’ initial deposits. That’s keeping online bookies’ money where it belongs - in their wallet.