More No Pay Complaints Involving CRSportsBet

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Off Shore Gaming Association (OSGA) founder Jim Quinn reported Tuesday more payout complaints coming in regarding CRSportsBet.  SCROLL DOWN FOR MORE

Quinn writes:

CRSportsbet opened after a split from scam shop BetMayor. CRSB started out doing a good job, taking care of several BetMayor players and paying customers in a timely manner. But, like many books, CRSB had some issues with payment processing in 2017. Later in 2017 they confiscated the funds of several players that were found to be a) in violation of their rules or b) too sharp (wiseguys). We worked through some of their issues and several players were paid or put on a payment plan. Recently, players who are owed money have been shut out of their account, told they weren't being paid and now ignored. Several players are now in a No Pay situation.

OSGA suggests that CRSportbet is pushing the limits on certain policies.

For instance, one of the players claiming the sportsbook won't pay him the thousands owed says he was accused of collusion with another player.

CRSB stated that they used the same IP address to place bets and thus were colluding. This Canadian player said that he didn’t know anyone else who player at CRSB. We examined the IP logs of both players and found that they did place some bets from the same IP address. The player then told us that he plays from various places, including public Wi-Fi and that had to be the reason CRSB thought this problem was real. After looking through the evidence that CRSB supplied to the player we found that after hundreds of bets places, less than 3.5% of their action at the same IPs. With just this evidence it is hard to show any type of collusion between these two players.

Quinn admits that CRSportsbet was always willing to work with OSGA in trying to resolve the complaints.  Now they appear to have shut that door.

- Gilbert Horowitz,

Gambling News

Can I Really Use a Sports Betting App From California?

Contrary to what you may see on search engines, there are currently no sports betting apps available from the great state of California.  There are, however, browser-based websites that can be accessed and bets placed online.
