Caster Semenya, Lady Gaga: Man or Woman? Who Cares's own Cuban transgender reporter, Sparky Collins, says "stop making a mountain of a mole hill" in regard to the controversies surrounding South African runner Caster Semenya and singer Lady Gaga and what sex they may be: Man, woman or other. The concerns over Semenya increased with her win at the 800m final race of the 2009 IAAF Athletics World Championships last week.
"The world needs to focus on the person, not their private parts," says Collins.
Sparky fled Cuba during the 1980's via an inner tube, failing to reach US shores some 90 miles away during the first attempt, but making it the second try. He served as a man in Angola as part of the Cuba military. As a woman he could not have served.
Sparky cares little about whether Semenya or Lady Gaga are actually men (the rumors have taken a life of their own over the Net).
"They say Semenya's tests showed three times the level of testosterone for a woman," Sparky, who does have male genitalia opined. "Test her for drugs. That might be reason for concern since she won the race and medal last week. But a simple look under her clothing with reveal if she is man or woman."
The Lady Gaga bet had been offered at some European online bookmakers and was among the most popular entertainment wagering option bet on in some time.
Our friends at continue to offer the Semenya sex bet with odds of -175 that tests will show she is "all woman". If she's a "man" or "other" the payout would be US$12.50 for every US$10.00 bet.
Carrie Stroup, Senior Reporter