What Online Bookies Need To Understand About Legalized Sports Betting

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Since the Supreme Court struck down an antiquated law that made it illegal for most states to allow sports betting, some online bookies might fear that their businesses could go south.

The fear makes sense. If major corporations can now set up sports betting facilities in states where wagering’s legal, where does that leave the online bookie?

Surprisingly, the Supreme Court’s decision shouldn’t hurt local bookies that much. In fact, there’s a big chance it actually helps online bookies.

There are are actually quite a few reasons why legalized sports betting may help online bookies. Below, you’ll find four solid pros as an online bookie.

Legalized Sports Betting Pro #1.

Online behemoth sportsbooks have existed for over 20 years and your players still wager with you.

If your bettors haven’t taken their action to one of the myriad of giant online sportsbooks, why would they suddenly decide to wager through a sportsbook run by a giant U.S. corporation?

They stick with you for reasons beyond just being able to make wagers. Perhaps, they prefer your customer service. Or, maybe, you make quick pay outs.

Whatever the reason, an agent’s players won’t jump ship just because a giant corporation decides to open a sportsbook in their state.

Legalized Sports Betting Pro #2

Most states, so far, haven’t jumped at the idea of allowing legalized, corporate owned, sportsbooks.

Most of the 50 states haven’t jumped at the idea of offering legalized sports betting. One of the reasons?

Just because something’s legal, it doesn’t mean that it won’t come with some sort of regulations.

For example, betting in New Jersey is legal, but New Jersey runs something like an NFL lottery. Perhaps, the states don’t care about sports betting because, like any Vegas casino will tell you, betting on sports is the lowest money maker on the premises.

Casinos make their money via the good old one-armed bandit, huge Vegas shows, room rates, restaurants, etc. The guy that wagers on sports doesn’t provide enough action per capita to move the needle.

Legalized Sports Betting Pro #3.

Players like anonymity.

When a horseplayer makes a large enough winning bet at a racetrack, he must go to the IRS sign-up window before he gets his cash.

That’s just the rules of the game when you make any type of gambling wager in person.

Obviously, if you’re signing an IRS document, you’re not anonymous. Sports bettors like their anonymity.

They can’t remain anonymous if they either wager through a major online US sportsbook (none exist right now!), or if they wager through one of the giant online sportsbooks. Without a fail, a salesperson from one of the big online sportsbooks will call them and wonder when they’re going to deposit again.

Legalized Sports Betting Pro #4

Sports bettors are mobile.

Sports bettors prefer to wager through their mobile devices. They, like everyone else, don’t have time to take the trip to their local sportsbook and place a few wagers.

Pay per head agents make it easy for players to wager through their mobile devices. Bettors won’t change this habit just because a Vegas casino opens down the street.

So, don’t worry about leagalized sport betting—embrace it!

Be sure you upgrade to a premium sportsbook solution and stay ahead of the game. PayPerHead.com is the premium pay per head software that allows bookies to control their sportsbooks the way that suits their business.

Right now, bookies can get their Prime Package for just $3 per head, PLUS, really stay competitive with a premium live betting solution—PayPerHead’s exclusive TruLive Wagering.

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