Post Super Tuesday Betting Odds Have Biden Ahead
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Joe Biden got a huge bump in the odds following Super Tuesday.
According to the latest numbers from, Biden is now the odds-on favorite to earn the Democratic nomination.
Going into Super Tuesday, Biden had 7-4 odds to be the nominee. Last week he was 3-1 and two weeks ago he was listed with 8-1 odds.
Bernie Sanders saw his party nominee odds jump from 10-11 to 4-1, and his presidential chances went from 9-2 to 12-1.
Biden's presidential odds dropped accordingly, going from 3-1 to 3-2.
Donald Trump remains the odds-on favorite to win the General Election with 5-8 odds.
Vice President odds were released Monday, and Amy Klobuchar has gone from a 12-1 underdog to a 4-1 favorite.
Presidential Election Odds
Donald Trump (5-8)
Joe Biden (3-2)
Bernie Sanders (12-1)
Hillary Clinton(100-1)
Elizabeth Warren (100-1)
Presidential Election Odds
Donald Trump (5-8)
Any Other Candidate (7-5)
Donald Trump Election Exact Outcome
Win Electoral College and Lose Popular Vote (3-2)
Lose Electoral College and Popular Vote(2-1)
Win Electoral College and Popular Vote (5-2)
Lose Electoral College and Win Popular Vote (14-1)
Democratic Nominee Odds
Joe Biden (2-9)
Bernie Sanders (4-1)
Hillary Clinton(33-1)
Elizabeth Warren (50-1)
Vice President Odds (Democratic Party)
Amy Klobuchar (4-1)
Stacey Abrams (5-1)
Kamala Harris (6-1)
Nina Turner (6-1)
Elizabeth Warren (8-1)
Pete Buttigieg (10-1)
Tammy Baldwin (12-1)
Tulsi Gabbard (12-1)
Andrew Yang (25-1)
C. Cortez Masto (25-1)
Cory Booker (25-1)
Hillary Clinton (25-1)
Julian Castro (25-1)
Michelle Obama (25-1)
Sherrod Brown (33-1)