Doyle Brunson's Kamikaze Dog Doing Well

"May the work that you have be the play that you love."
There is finally some poker action in Bobby's Room at the Bellagio. We have lowered the stakes and more players are coming in. It's really dumb to play so high no one except the ultra rich guys can play. I was completely exhausted when I got through traveling but after playing poker for 4 straight days, I feel great again. It is really amazing how playing helps me. I guess I'm a junkie after all these years. is putting on a "Twitter Followers Freeroll" because I've got over 100,000 followers on Twitter. The winner gets a weekend in Vegas, dinner with me and partying with the young DoylesRoom pros. I guess they decided I couldn't handle the partying and they may be right. The tournament is on this Sunday at 6pm Eastern time.
I'll tweet the password at 4pm Eastern the same day because our tournaments hold a few thousand players at a time. You have to have an account at DoylesRoom along with the password to play.
Cardoza publishing has already ordered the second printing of my autobiography because of the unexpected number of advance sells. It is going to hit the bookstores Nov. 10th and I've still got mixed feelings about writing this book.
I appreciate all the tweets, emails and phone calls expressing concerns over my toy poodle Casper. Casper jumped off a desk and knocked both his hips out of socket and Louise has to carry him everywhere because he can't walk. I should say couldn't walk because he is able to walk on level ground now, he just can't jump or put any weight on his back legs. Casper is tough and I expect him to last a lot longer as he is only 13 years old.
I'm back in retirement on pro football. I bet on Minn +6 points when Pitt made 2 defensive touchdowns in the last 5 minutes to beat me. I had Miami +6 against N.O. Saints and was ahead 24-3 at the half and lost. Then, I had Houston -3 and was ahead 21-0 at the half and managed to tie that one 24-21. I'm sure I'm going to get lots of sympathy, all poker players are unlucky when betting on sports.
Be sure to check out Doyles Room Here