Why They Call Mayweather vs McGregor the Fight of the Century
If there is something that Floyd Mayweather can do well in his life, it’s to sell a fight. Still undefeated at the age of 43, retired but always willing to come back, or at least create the rumor of coming back to put on a good show, 50 fights, 50 wins, 27 of them by knockout, Floyd Joy Mayweather Jr. love him or hate him, is called “Money” for a reason.
After battling with some of the biggest legends in boxing history, like Arturo Gatti, Oscar de la Hoya, Ricky Hatton, Juan Manuel Marquez, Shane Mosley, Miguel Cotto, Canelo Alvarez and, of course, Manny Pacquiao, Mayweather found a rival like no other, but not in a boxing ring, but un a UFC octagon. Mayweather Jr. found someone who talked as much as him, who could get fans and media involved thanks to his charisma, to his overwhelming confidence and, of course, a winning record as well, Irish UFC legend Conor McGregor.
Mayweather vs McGregor, how it all started
When you find two athletes with such huge ego, with so much exposure and who are willing to do anything to put on a good show, they are just bound to find each other. For some, this whole rivalry was masterfully staged by both fighters long time before the fight; the little messages, the Social Media feud, the times they casually met each other “unintentionally” at sporting events, the direct confrontations in the end, of course, it all led to what has been called by many as “the fight of the century”.
It’s the fight that brought Floyd Mayweather Junior out of retirement and the fight that made “The Notorious” Conor McGregor jump sports and become a professional boxer, just to be able to fight his “biggest rival”, his nemesis.
So, why is it called the “Fight of the Century”?
As you can imagine, this rivalry created a bubble like no other event had created in a long time. Undefeated Mayweather, the “best boxer of all time”, as he calls himself, fighting a UFC Champion who hated him so much he had to switch sports just to be able to go at him. Mayweather’s millions and marketing mastermind, PPV event, and of course, the millions of bets this fight generated for all sportsbooks and bookmakers in the world.
As a bookie, you need to learn to identify great opportunities like this fight and be able to offer your players many different options to wager on, besides who’s going to win the fight. Bookmakers went all in on this event, creating many different propositions, dealing live wagering and making sure they got the best out of this unprecedented event, that created so much expectation, and that took place in the most appropriate place for a great show, Las Vegas.
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