How Can I Become an Independent Bookmaker
It is easy to become an independent bookmaker. You just will need a full service Pay Per Head software platform in order to run your business.
Because today's sports betting business is fully interactive (i.e. live in-play betting and lines updated every few seconds in some cases), one cannot sit around with a pad and take bets expecting to compete with other locals.
A Pay Per Head service offers 24/7 customer service for your players, full line management, a wide array of betting options on sports leagues you may not have known even existed, and the live interactive in-play wagering that has become extremely common these days.
How to Easily Become an Independent Sportsbook Operator
A good sports betting platform will easily cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. In addition, while there are cheaper options like a white label sportsbook solution, it is still expensive. Companies like charge a mere $5 per player per week starting.
Without a PPH, your sportsbook infrastructure and monthly maintenance cost will be quite high. By infrastructure we mean an office along with a staff of professional handicappers and support personnel. On average, it will easily cost over $10,000 per month and it is not easy to find and train the right people. Therefore, it is not cheap to open an Online Sportsbook.
Imagine instead an opportunity where you have 20 players that cost $5 per week. That's $100, or 100 times less than if you opted to run things solo. And you hardly have to do any work to boot.
It's easy to get started too. The application process should take under one hour from start to setup.
By the way, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency options make it easier than ever to pay for the service. Your players might find this to be a convenient option as well.
- Aaron Goldstein,