Root on CNBC: Stands Up For Small Business frequent contributor and 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential Nominee, Wayne Allyn Root, was featured on a segment of CNBC Thursday. Root squared off against former Clinton Presidential Press Secretary Joe Lockhart on the "Kudlow Report" in regard to using TARP money to pay off the national debt.
"The Treasury is getting back more than expected, that means slightly lower deficits," argued Lockhart.
Emphasis on the word "Slightly", host Larry Kudlow said.
"I'm almost laughing, falling flat on the floor," Root responded. "We are in so much trouble, a hundred trillion in debt and you're talking about a penny here, a penny there from stimulus money. Small business creates jobs and everything that Obama is doing is destroying small business. I run a small business and everyone I know that runs a small business is going under or close to going under. None of us can pay the taxes we used to pay. So no matter what you do, the deficit is getting bigger."
Lockhart said he runs a small business too and he feels a lot more comfortable today than he felt nine months ago when the economy was really beginning to spiral out of control.
"The only jobs Obama knows how to save are government jobs and they are all overpaid in the first place," Root said.
Kudlow, a former government employee, tended to agree with Root, questioning why the government job sector has not had the same type of job losses as the private sector.
"The government seems to be in a prosperity," said Kudlow.
Watch Wayne Allyn Root on MSNBC Here