Betting Football Reading a Season Preview Magazine Akin to Believing in Unicorns Says Pro

Written by:
Don Shapiro
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Today's question for sports bettors: Does reading a season preview book or magazine really offer useful betting info?  One popular pro bettor says that, those who do "might as well believe in unicorns".


Gadoon “Spanky” Kryollos, who is set to release Spank Odds shortly, laughed off the notion via Twitter and his followers offered their own take.

Cris writes:

"My best years in NFL to date had zero prep prior to week 1. Let the Metrics kick in. I'm spending lots of time to familiarize myself with ea team, but I expect to pivot 180 on teams early in season."

UKisNBA offered:

"Next to no one wins consistently, preview or not. That's why people make preview guides and host betting shows. Those who can't do, teach."

From DLaw856:

"Who would think they can win over a whole season by reading a preview book? I love how top down guys can’t imagine anyone being able to win without a computer. It takes more work,but, discipline and bankroll management are more important. It’s easy to pick 1 winner on a Saturday."

Not everyone was on board with this sentiment.

Bills Fan in AZ responded:

"I love these tweets. No one can win but sharps like me blah, blah, blah. I’m so great! Also, sub to my new cool odds page called “spankodds” and you’ll win, too, because you absolutely can’t with your current process. Does anyone really buy this?"

- Don Shapiro,

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