Online Poker Phenom Tom Durrrr On Isildur1 and Losing

One of online poker's most notable players has lost plenty of money in recent months. His name is Tom Durrrr Dwan (known affectionately as just "Durrrr"). He discusses his losses and that new player on the block, Isildur1.
I played a ton of poker in 2009, and unfortunately the results weren't too great, mainly because of the last few months. I was worried at the start of 09 that there wouldn't be enough highstakes games going (that was one of the reasons i offered 3-1 for 50k hands etc), but that proved to be a non-issue, as there was tons of action throughout the year.
At the start of the year there were a bunch of 500/1k headsup plo games, and a decent amount of 500/1k ha games. Then as the wsop approached, some of the highest stakes games to ever run went off in bellagio. These games happened for about 2 months, and it was pretty crazy. Initially a lot of players took shots when the game was around 5001k, and 1k2k plo. However the game kept getting bigger and bigger, and eventually we were playing 3k6k plo and 10k20k limit triple draw most days of the week. That is an absurdly huge game obviously, and once it ended I assumed that swings like the ones which happened over the summer wouldn't happen again for quite a while. However i was dead wrong.
There was a new player to the online scene, and isildur has caused quite a stir. I didnt know this at the time, but he started off down about a million, before proceeding to win a huge sum of money from me. He is definitely a gambler, and gives a lot of action. This means that he can have huge wins and huge losses, unfortunately for me i helped him with his wins, while i recently got to witness huge losses he had to brian hastings. I have a feeling he'll be back, although it will be tough to match the action we all saw at the end of 09. Isildur won about 7 million straight, and then lost about 7 million straight. I have a decent idea what huge swings feel like, but isildur's swings were extra crazy. I think initially a lot of people overestimated his ability, however he definitely learned very fast, and caught up to those expectations. He's someone i'd expect to see around the highstakes games very regularly in the next few years. Also i think its likely that isil's amazing run will create more highstakes action as people look to replicate what he did. Hopefully I'm right about that, and next time maybe i'll even end up profiting from it.
I realize it took me a really long time to write this 2nd blog, however my 3rd one will come much sooner. To give myself some motivation I've decided that for the rest of this year I'll donate 10k to haiti or some similar cause any month that i don't write at least 3.