Poker’s Sexiest Shana Hiatt: Durrrr a Dud, Antonius Mud

Okay folks so I would have thought the feedback for Tom Durrrr Dwan and Patrik Antonius as "Sexiest in Poker for 2010" would be much greater by now and both these fine looking men stand a serious chance of NOT making the cut.
Can you imagine, Patrik Antonius not being on the list? Perhaps he's too hot and readers are rebelling. Or maybe they just want more in the way of sexy babes like Tatjana Pasalic, who to date is our sexiest.
I don't know how good a poker player she is really but I've eliminated that requirement and instead I'll be looking at the "sexiest in poker", meaning these individuals can be personalities associated with the game such as hostesses or even representatives like our own Carrie Stroup, although she primarily hawks the online casino
So in this regard, Shana Hiatt comes to mind and she is my next nominee for Poker's Sexiest. I know a lot of you boys out there are loving this girl.
While Hiatt was a non-player prior to her job with the World Poker Tour, she is now an avid online poker player who occasionally plays in casinos. Hiatt also hosted the first two seasons of NBC's popular Poker After Dark series.
Jenny Woo, International Correspondent