Complaint Claims DraftKings, Pro Bettor, Masked Man Threatened to Kill Plaintiff

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Jagajeet Chiba
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It's one of the craziest complaints we've read in some time and this one is definitely going to be turned into a Netflix documentary (-1000 odds on that happening).


Soooo where to begin... first broke the story and Jessica Wellman posted to her Twitter page below..

The complaint, filed in in Supreme Court, Queens County, claims friend of the website - and someone we definitely wouldn't want to cross after reading said complaint, Gadoon “Spanky” Kyrollos - was provided DraftKings leaked customer data.  That's not the bad part.

The complainant, only identified as “John Doe”, says that on 30 March 2023 in Long Island City, New York City, a masked man grabbed and violently spun him around, then threatened to kill the plaintiff unless he paid $500,000 to Spanky.  Mr. Kyrollos is a prominent sports betting influencer and organizer of the popular sports betting network even BetBash, taking place this August at the famed Circa Casino and Sportsbook.

The filing alleged that unidentified staff in the “upper echelons” of DraftKings knowingly provided the plaintiff’s address, sensitive personal information, financial history, and betting history to Spanky.

It also alleged that the same DraftKings employees later conspired to change the email address associated with the plaintiff’s sports betting account. 

“This is a case about DraftKings — one of the biggest and most profitable sports betting companies in the world — knowingly and wilfully aiding and abetting a violent assault, battery, and death threat, (and later, a significant computer hack).”

DraftKings has called the claims “implausible and baseless”, but would not provide further comment to

One of the more wild assertions in the complaint is that Spanky picked up the phone and contacted "the mob".

We wouldn't want to end up as alligator meat in the nearby Everglades, so you can read the rest of the article here. will be reaching out to Spanky for comment as well.


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