Scammer or Not: Everyone is Talking About the Caesars Casino Refusal to Pay Player $500K

Written by:
C Costigan
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  • Reddit community chimes in on Caesar's Casino dispute with gambler.
  • The viral video released a few months back still has everyone talking and offering different takes.

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Redditors Chime in on Caesars Gambler Dispute

It's the story is taking the internet by storm this day October 31 (you know what day it is - BOO).  Caesar's Won't Pay Player $500K After Snitching on Self for Using Beard.

Sure you may have read about this back in August when the incident occurred, but the story came back to life this Halloween like some ghastly ghoul.

We're not sure if some popular podcaster or web influencer brought the story back to the surface but by Thursday afternoon, it's become one of the most trafficked articles of the year thus far.

And Redditors have their own opinion.

A recap:

In a truly bizarre clip appearing on Twitter, a player is filmed complaining that Caesars Sportsbook refuses to pay him his $500,000 winnings after he admits to using a beard.

A beard refers to a person who places a bet for someone else in order to conceal the identity of the real bettor.  This would be considered a violation of Caesar''s rules.

A Twitter user explained the Caesar's sportsbook policy, which might explain why this dispute appears to be ongoing, though we haven't necessarily heard anything back from the gentleman featured in the clip.

"The bet was placed by a messenger, or in his words “his bookie” which is illegal.  For a bet this big, YOU have to place the bet yourself. The entire bet gets voided after this and even the person that placed the bet for him CANNOT collect. He snitched on himself on his instagram."

Here is just a sampling of what Reddit was saying on Thursday:

"When you lose, it's alright for them to take your money. But when you win big, they refuse to pay up." Aint that the truth


[–]Bulls187 15 points 5 hours ago

Sounds like insurance companies too


[–]Funky-Wizard-Sm0ke 9 points 5 hours ago

As someone who worked for a casino for 10 years. That ain't the truth. They're too heavily regulated to be able to pull scams like that.


[–]balatro-mann 4 points 5 hours ago

from what i gathered from other comments it sure looks like they did in fact get away with it lol


[–]Funky-Wizard-Sm0ke 7 points 4 hours ago

Reddit comments aren't always the best source of facts.


[–]balatro-mann 3 points 4 hours ago

so it seems. cheers mate.


[–]epicrooster69 1 point 4 hours ago

So it was his fault. Dang. It's a once in a lifetime f-up.


[–]Bulls187 0 points 4 hours ago

The house always wins and every game is designed to make the customer lose. They pay out just enough to make people come back or see that it is possible.


[–]Izem137 14 points 5 hours ago

The guy cheated according to this article


[–]Strict_Rabbit3082 23 points 5 hours ago

Of course a shitbag corporation will find any viable reason to weasle their way out of a huge payout.


[–]RUaVulcanorVulcant13 8 points 4 hours ago

$500 Grand ain't shit to that casino though I can't believe they'd fight this hard


[–]porcelainfog 3 points 4 hours ago

People be throwing halve a million into one spin at a place like that. They don't give a fuck.


[–]Cpap4roosters 2 points 4 hours ago

This comment just makes my stomach hurt. People with that kind of disposable income can just, can just. Fuck I don’t know, eat a bowl of cereal because they don’t care what I think.


[–]porcelainfog 1 point 4 hours ago

Personally I think the casinos should be shut down. Usually it’s addicts. Michael Jordan for example


[–]GingerStank 2 points 4 hours ago

There’s 2 stories, and both of them make him look like a shitbag. First, there’s that he had someone else place the bet for him, this is a huge no no. The second story is that he was hired by the casino to promote the casino on his social media accounts, and he violated the terms of the contract as it regulated how much he was able to gamble.

Either way, any sympathy I had evaporated instantly when I found out he was an “influencer”.


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