Where will Super Bowl 2014 be held?

Members of the New York Super Bowl bid committee planned to spend much of much of the day Monday rehearsing the presentation they will give to owners on Tuesday. New York is considered the heavy favorite to host the 2014 game over Tampa and South Florida.
Each group is allotted 15 minutes to speak to the owners and the presentations often include videos. Giants co-chairman John Mara – who gave the commencement address at his alma mater Fordham Law School Monday – will speak during the presentation, as will Jets owner Woody Johnson.
The pitch may be working, as New York is now favored for SuperBowl 2014.
Sportsbook.com is offering betting odds on the next location, click here to visit.
2014 NFL Super Bowl - Which area will land Super Bowl XLVIII
New York/New Jersey (East Rutherford NJ) | -500 |
South Florida (Miami Gardens Fla) | +300 |
Tampa Bay (Tampa Fla) | +200 |